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What is Cottagecore?

Cottagecore is a popular aesthetic style that is characterized by a romanticized, pastoral aesthetic, with an emphasis on comfort, simplicity, and sustainability. It is a style that is often associated with a love of nature, rural living, and the simple pleasures of life.

Cottagecore Moodboard depicting a cute cottage / farm, a beautiful dress, a desk with tea, flowers and dessert, and slow living activities : cooking, baking, knitting, picking flowers

The term “cottagecore” is thought to have originated on social media platforms as a way to describe a particular type of aesthetic that is often associated with a longing for a simpler, more rustic way of life. It is a style that is often associated with a love of the outdoors, gardening, and other activities that are connected to nature.

One of the key features of cottagecore is its emphasis on comfort and simplicity. It is a style that is often described as cozy, inviting, and even a little bit nostalgicie. It is a style that is meant to evoke a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as a sense of connection to the natural world.

Cottagecore Mood board named garden girls, showing gardens, plants, and pretty clothes

Cottagecore is often associated with a love of the arts, particularly literature, music, and visual arts. It is a style that is often associated with a love of folk music, poetry, and literature, as well as a fascination with traditional crafts and skills such as knitting, sewing, and woodworking.

In terms of aesthetics, cottagecore is characterized by a focus on warm, earthy colors such as greens, browns, and beiges. It is a style that often incorporates elements of rustic design, such as natural materials, floral patterns, and vintage objects.

Cottagecore Moodboard depicting a lot of greenery, farmhouses, a greenhoise, gardens, fruits, mushrooms and cute cats

Cottagecore is a style that is often associated with a love of sustainability and self-sufficiency. It is a style that is meant to evoke a sense of responsibility and connection to the natural world, as well as a sense of independence and self-reliance.

In conclusion, cottagecore is a popular aesthetic style that is characterized by a romanticized, pastoral aesthetic, with an emphasis on comfort, simplicity, and sustainability. It is a style that is often associated with a love of nature, rural living, and the simple pleasures of life. It is a style that is characterized by a focus on comfort and simplicity, and is often associated with a love of the arts, particularly literature, music, and visual arts. It is a style that is often associated with a love of sustainability and self-sufficiency.